About Us

“Alege Viata” Romania is a division of Campus Crusade International, which was legally established in 1992, though we had underground ministry for quite a number of years. It was the right time to talk about God. Several American Campus Crusade for Christ staff came and began a ministry among university students at a large dorm complex in Bucuresti. Since 1990-1992 a lot of students have come to know the Lord; many people began to attend church services. In 1991, we had 7 American staff and 3 Romanians.

When we look back at what God has done in Romania over the last few years, we can say with all of our hearts that He is faithful and is blessing our country in a special way. Thirteen years ago we had only 3 Romanian missionaries with Choose Life, now we have over 70 missionaries, around 20 employees and volunteers all over Romania! We can definitely say that God can do miracles… look at us now!